Streamline Consultations with Consult Management

Increase your patients' understanding and streamline future dental treatments with our Consult Management feature. Enjoy customizable treatment plan templates and easy-to-present payment plans, all while personalizing each plan for your patients.

Enhance Patient Understanding and Engagement with Comprehensive Consult Management

Enhanced Patient Understanding with Clear Treatment Plans

Streamline Future Treatments with Digital Signing

Customizable Treatment Plan Templates

Easy-to-Present Payment Plans

Personalization of Plans with Direct Patient Info Pulling

Better Patient Payment Adherence

Simplify Understanding with Digital Consents

Facilitate patient comprehension and agreement with digital consents and treatment plans.

  • Present and sign digital consents without leaving the room.
  • Streamline future treatment plans with digital signing.
  • Enhance patient understanding with clear, concise treatment plans.

Personalize Care with Customizable Treatment Templates

Deliver personalized care with easy-to-follow, customizable treatment templates.

  • Customize treatment templates for each patient's unique needs.
  • Increase patient understanding and engagement.
  • Pull patient info directly from the platform to personalize each plan.

Facilitate Affordability with Easy Payment Options

Make treatment more accessible for patients with easy-to-present payment plans.

  • Present payment options during consultations for patient convenience.
  • Facilitate treatment acceptance with clear, understandable payment plans.
  • Improve patient satisfaction and treatment compliance.

Improve Understanding and Increase Treatment Acceptance with Ora

Simplify treatment planning and presentation with our Consult Management feature. Enhance patient understanding and make treatment plans more accessible with personalized payment plans.

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